Well, here it is. My first blog post.
First off I would like to thank everyone for checking out my blog and showing some interest of my work. The main purpose of this blog is to document my progress and growth in my drawing, painting and storytelling skills. So I'll be posting a lot of my work here including projects from school, pages from my personal sketchbook and whatever personal projects I'm working on.
One of my goals is to post something once a month, until I get used to this whole blog thing and get faster with producing work. Then I'll step it up to at least a post a week. But that may not be for a while (I give myself 6 months)
Hopefully at the end of my stay at S.J.S.U I hope to use this blog as an online portfolio. I think it will be great, then, to look back at my work, now, and see how much of a growth I've attained with my art skills.
It should be a fun experience and hopefully a successful journey.